So, I’ve been home from Burning Man and the USA for over a month now but until now I haven’t gotten around to moving the Gone to Burning Man post from the top of my blog. I suspect this is probably because I’d still like to be at Burning Man.
Anyway, since getting back a few notable events have occurred.
- My parents have come over to stay for a couple of months :-D
- I went to Tambellup as part of the John Curtin Weekend of volunteering.
- We’ve been to Melbourne for a week, where I graduated from my Masters degree.
- I went to the weekend CampOut with a bunch of people from the Perth fire crew.
- I have finally made the switch to Mac OS X with a shiny new aluminium MacBook.
- I’ve started doing an online course to upgrade my radio license to the Advanced level.
- Watched the Red Bull Air Race yesterday afternoon.
I think those are the events of importance that have occurred in the last month or two. Hopefully I will get back to more regular posting now that I have shifted the Gone to BM image from the top of the blog.